We need to talk about the elephant downtown

Jackson Moore
2 min readFeb 23, 2022

We have all seen the headlines. The so-called “freedom” convoy has occupied downtown Ottawa for over 3 weeks! It started as a “peaceful” protest (Notice the quotes). The occupation has closed a mall that rarely closes, prevented people from getting their vaccine, prevented people from going to school.

And your protesting for freedom? Listen to yourself. You have not united a nation you have created divides between colleagues, family and friends. How many relationships have you messed up?

In Ottawa, we have our opinions (Like was the LRT really worth it?) This has come way too far. People have come from far and wide supporting a movement that has done almost the exact objective. Freedom. People in Centertown can’t even walk out of their door with a mask on without being harassed by the protestors. The protestors said they would be peaceful (Except for Paid actors) but what they have done is almost the opposite.

Defacing national monuments is not Peaceful Protesting

The protest organizers went even as far as to blame paid actors if violence breaks out. Like seriously? Do you even hear yourself?

The conservatives helped to create this problem. You invited protestors downtown. Some of the conservative MP’s took selfies with the protestors!! And when the Liberals tried to clean up a mess that you made, you refused to help them. Do you know what you sound like conservatives?? A toddler. Refusing to clean up your mess and when someone tries to clean it up for you you blame them for a mess that you made. If you just listen to the BS that is coming out of your party’s mouth you will realize how stupid you look.

The people’s party of Canada? Do you seriously think that the site of an ongoing illegal occupation is a good place to bring kids??? You have had former candidates describe your party as an:

utter free-for-all — Angelo Isidorou

I just can’t believe people these days. If you are not out protesting you are encouraging kids to come to an illegal occupation….

I don’t see the point to it.

